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Ramulifho ditches DA, citing critical party inconsistencies, and sets sail with Rise Mzansi

Ramulifho ditches DA, citing critical party inconsistencies, and sets sail with Rise Mzansi
Illustrative image | DA logo; Khume Ramulifho; Rise Mzansi logo (Photos: Wikimedia | Gallo Images/OJ Koloti| Rawpixel)

DA MPL Khume Ramulifho has quit the DA, stating reasons ranging from his dissatisfaction with the official opposition’s 2024 provincial and national election strategy to their stance on the Israel and Palestine conflict and the lack of internal democracy.

The latest member of the DA who has ditched the party is Gauteng MPL Khume Ramulifho, who will be joining recently-formed Rise Mzansi. 

Ramulifho cut ties with the official opposition on Tuesday morning stating that he is not happy with the direction the party is taking. He believes the DA’s focus on wooing white voters will be detrimental to their election campaign and lessens the chances of growing the party. 

Speaking to Daily Maverick on Tuesday, he stated that the Multiparty Charter has made the DA believe that it no longer has to attract black voters as the IFP already is a strong force within the constituency.

“The focus now in the party is to consolidate the support in all the wards where the DA got 50% in the last elections and that was in the 2021 local elections. This means that I am in a constituency where there is no interest, the interest will be to bring people when there is the manifesto launch but there is no resource following. It has an impact in decision-making. When we go to congress, the representation is dependent on votes as per the previous elections, so if you are not resourcing the wards and constituencies, you are simply saying they will never be represented in decision-making in congress.

“They believe that IFP will gain the black votes and the DA will get the white vote and when we are combined it will look diverse. I was subscribing with the DA which will resonate with all South Africans, regardless of whether you know, you stay in a suburb, village or township. Now when you deviate from it and change the rules, this is solely to win Freedom Front Plus supporters. Which is a small base, even if you win all of it, it will not make an impact,” he said. 

Most recently, Ramulifho contested Solly Msimanga in the race for Gauteng provincial leader in 2023 and was unsuccessful. Msimanga also beat him in the premier candidacy race for the 2024 elections.

Khume Ramulifho

Khume Ramulifho on 9 June, 2023 in Alexandra, South Africa. (Photo: Gallo Images/OJ Koloti)

Ramulifho highlighted that the internal democracy of the DA had failed. In particular, he mentioned that all decision-making has been centralised as lower structures are no longer holding meetings to discuss key party matters.

“The decision-making process of the DA, we used to use regional councils which are structures that represent all the wards and constituencies. We then have an agenda and define what needs to be done and how to go about it. When we have adopted a position, we take it to the provincial council, we advance that and then we take it to the Federal Council and then they make a decision. 

“Those processes are dead, they have resorted to communication which is like where you are not active in decision-making, you are just told what is going to happen. There is no platform used except for sending emails. This is not how it’s supposed to work, it is not how the structures operate,” he explained.

DA stance on international issues flawed

The former DA MPL criticized how the party deals with international relations matters. 

Ramulifho also then mentioned how impartial the party was about the Middle East conflict, saying that he was supposed to condemn the actions of both Israel and Hamas.

“Our leader was quick to go to Ukraine, why has he not gone to Palestine? These are all human rights violations and freedoms, so are telling me that 23,000 people killed by Israel do not matter? But the ones who are in the Ukraine are the ones that matter. 

“When you raise this they say that we have so many problems locally and we must focus on them. But why is it that when we go to the Ukraine and we are trying to stop Putin from coming here, were all these local matters there?” he questioned.

He said the party’s stance on the Middle East had caused dissatisfaction internally and goes against all that the DA stands for.

Read more in Daily Maverick: Steenhuisen’s ‘fact-finding’ trip to Ukraine brings back few facts and a lot of negative noise

“The Muslim community in the organisation is not happy because the position which the party has taken is inconsistent with our own vision which is grounded on the defence and protection of fundamental human rights. If we say we are champions of advancing human rights why do we not express it regardless of having many donors who are Jews and would be offended. There are also jews who are saying that this is wrong. That is why I say there are some inconsistencies,” he said.

In May 2022, DA leader John Steenhusien visited war-torn Ukraine. At the time Stenhusien received flack — and ridicule on social media — from some political analysts and commentators for the trip which was funded by the Brenthurst Foundation.

Some made jokes and created memes which have been shared on social media ridiculing the political leader.

Joining Rise Mzansi 

Ramulifho believes that Songezo Zibi’s Rise Mzansi will be the best political home ahead of the 2024 national elections, as he looks forward to imparting all the knowledge he has gained throughout his 25-year career. 

“Ultimately, there are many South Africans who want to see unity in purpose, and I strongly believe that Rise Mzansi is able to unite South Africans behind building the South Africa we all deserve, the kind of South Africa that the Constitution says it is our right to have and I will continue to fight for the people of South Africa.

“I believe that South Africa has the potential to succeed. We need to instil a culture of accountability and take responsibility. We need more people to be involved in decision-making.

“I have observed diverse South Africans raising their hands in support for Rise Mzansi. Today. I will relax, refocus, and spend time with my family. Tomorrow, when I wake up, I will take my children back to school and thereafter join other Rise Mzansi Volunteers and Supporters as we build stronger communities,” he said. 

Read more in Daily Maverick: Inside Songezo Zibi’s plan for Rise Mzansi to break old politics – can he pull it off? 

Ramulifho started his political career in 1998 as a member of the Democratic Party which was later renamed the Democratic Alliance. He served as a student activist at the then Vaal Triangle Technikon, now called Vaal University of Technology.

He has held various positions in the party, namely DA Youth regional chairperson, Gauteng provincial youth leader and federal youth leader. He was elected to be a PR councillor in 2006 in the City of Johannesburg and then elected to serve in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature following the May 2009 Provincial and National General Elections, up until his resignation. DM


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  • Joe Slabbert says:

    Rise Mzansi is starting to look extremely convincing to me.

  • Kenneth FAKUDE says:

    I said it

  • Geoff Coles says:

    It’s as well he is leaving, seemingly totally confused

  • Paddy Ross says:

    I believe that the DA is not obsessed with the colour of their supporters’ skin but believes in equal opportunity for all with appointments going to the person who best fits the skills required to meet the effective execution of that position. Look to the future SA, not the past.

    • Stephen Browne says:

      Rise Mzansi has my vote this time round. The DA gets to keep the WC almost certainly, awesome, they seem to be doing well. I am interested in the whole country though. It’s either everyone wins or everyone loses, as loadshedding has driven home. Let’s put our mouths and money behind those with a plan to save everyone rather than those who just want to build a wall.

  • Hidden Name says:

    Never heard of this guy. Why is this even news?

  • Paul T says:

    Unfortunately the DA seems to be following in the footsteps of the West in its position on Israel, when it could have shown the kind of brave leadership that stands up for all injustice. In the fullness of time their stance will be shown to be weak and wrong, just like the UK, Germany and others.

  • Coen Gous says:

    Well, seems the DA are loosing leaders, and likely voters, faster than the ANC. At least he is joining a very good upcoming party. New which is difficult, bu the DA had 17 years since Zuma became president, and effective did nothing in that time to change perceptions. In contrast. Good move Mr. Ramulifhu

  • D'Esprit Dan says:

    I really hope the DA leadership pull their heads out of the sand and take note: Ramulifho isn’t a fly-by-night, he’s been in the trenches for decades. As a DA voter for decades I’ve grown tired of the party and its inability to read the room. Think I’ll be voting differently this year.

  • Denise Smit says:

    Ukraine and Middle East is more important than fixing the city that this politician is living in. It seems to me it is better to leave the DA. Fixing our country and our cities is not his focus. How is RM going to effect change?

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