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ANC KZN condemns Zuma’s ‘gross ill-discipline’ for support of new party

ANC KZN condemns Zuma’s ‘gross ill-discipline’ for support of new party
Former president Jacob Zuma. (Photo: EPA-EFE / Kim Ludbrook)

The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal says Jacob Zuma’s support for the new uMkhonto Wesizwe party is ‘unprecedented’ and equates to ‘divorcing the ANC’.

The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal has historically backed former party president Jacob Zuma but it has drawn the line after his recent decision to support the new uMkhonto Wesizwe party. 

ANC KZN Secretary Bheki Mtolo articulated the Provincial Executive Committee’s view on the matter during a briefing on Monday after Zuma announced his decision on Saturday, 16 December.

“It is for the first time in the 111 years of the ANC’s existence that a former president and an outstanding leader of the movement announces publicly his decision to vote for another political party. We view this as literally divorcing the ANC… It is a form of gross ill-discipline.

“We remain focused as the ANC in KZN and we note comrade Msholozi’s assertion. We want to tell our people that we are still the ANC of 1994, nothing has changed. Every member of the ANC joins the organisation voluntarily and leaves it voluntarily on his or her behest,” he said.

Read more in Daily Maverick: Zuma’s ANC repudiation unlikely to have a significant impact on national poll — analysts

The provincial ANC had previously said it would be looking to work with the former president in the hopes of boosting its chances of winning elections in the province next year.

At the time, provincial ANC spokesperson Mafika Mndebele said those who criticised Zuma did not have the same capability to campaign successfully for the ANC in KZN, adding that he was the most popular figure in the province.

However, the provincial leadership has changed its tune and now believes that Zuma’s dismissal of the governing party will have no bearing on its electoral success come 2024.

“We hope that going into 2024 the ANC is still in a better shape not only to defend the province in KZN but to make sure it contributes significantly for the defence of revolution in the entire South Africa… We are happy with the reception we are getting from the people of KZN,” Mtolo said.

He said the party’s widespread support would be on display when it launched its election manifesto at Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban on 24 February. 

Weighing in, provincial deputy secretary Sipho Hlomuka said, “We are worried when we lose any member ordinarily, but we are certain that the ANC is going to win the national and provincial elections. So do not stress.”

Ramaphosa’s response

President Cyril Ramaphosa touched on the issue during a briefing at Luthuli House on Monday after meeting delegations from the United Ulama Council and SA Friends of Palestine.

“We all listened to that announcement and we have noted what he has said, what he has announced and that is as far as we are prepared to go at this time. Everyone in our country is free to express themselves in relation to who they will vote for and why they will vote for them and we have noted what former president Jacob Zuma has announced,” Ramaphosa said.

While announcing his support for the newly formed uMkhonto Wesizwe party, details of which are scant, Zuma accused Ramaphosa of being an agent of “white monopoly capital” and being against the progress of black professionals and intellectuals.

“I cannot and will not campaign for the ANC of Ramaphosa,” he said.

The ANC has raised its concerns about the use of the name of the organisation’s disbanded paramilitary wing, Umkhonto weSizwe.

Mtolo said it was a deliberate attempt to confuse voters.

“There must be a difference between the so-called uMkhonto Wesizwe party and the well-known Umkhonto weSizwe, which was born on 16 December 1961. It’s a party disguised to lure voters and members of the ANC to think it is the same thing as MK that was formed by the ANC. 

“You will know that for you to join MK, you are required to be a guerilla of MK. You must have gone underground; you should know your commander. We have seen their recruitment forms and they recruit everyone, even my child who was born in 2000 can be part of this new MK,” Mtolo said.

Before Zuma’s announcement, ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula said the ruling party intended to challenge the new party in court, saying the name belonged to the ANC. DM


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  • jcdville stormers says:

    No honour among thieves as they say

    • Kenneth FAKUDE says:

      Discipline is a non existant word to the ANC perhaps betrayal is a suitable word to the factional battles fought at the expense of good governance entrusted with trust by our votes

  • John Buchan says:

    After everything else is destroyed and “food” is becoming scarcer, rats will turn on their own. Narcissism feeds on itself…….been like that forever.

  • Charles Butcher says:

    Sounds more lthe pot calling kettle black,anc doesn’t understand DEMOCRACY

  • Denise Smit says:

    How can it be legitimate to still have underground guerillas in 2023. What do they fight underground?

    • Richard Bryant says:

      Remember that David Mhlobo as minister of State Security delivered suitcases of cash every month to zuma. That was undisputed evidence led to the Zondo commission. This money was used to pay a military force recruited by State Security and which reported directly to zuma. We have never been told whether this private army has been disbanded and what happened to the weapons they were issued. What we do know is when zuma was put in jail, KZN caught fire. Nobody has been held to account for this insurrection. But I think I know.

      Imagine what would happen if anyone else recruited such a private army. I know some right wingers tried this some years back but they were arrested and put in jail for treason. But this is zuma and it seems he is immune from prosecution no matter what he does. Certainly the ANC is paralysed. Any other organisation would have expelled him years ago. I mean he is trying everything he can to impose criminal charges against Ramaphosa. If that is not considered ill discipline, I don’t know what is.

      So to answer your question. Yes. It seems there is a guerrilla force in existence. No it’s not legitimate but it’s connected to zuma and there nothing is done about it.

  • Charles Butcher says:

    Pure jealousy

  • shannon Maxwell says:

    Guerillas, going underground, comrades, commanders, revolution…. I really wish the ANC would elevate their thinking out of the antiquated communist speak of old and join us all in the new century.

  • Francois Smith says:

    Let us see if the ANC acts against Zuma. Zuma wants to be the victim, it is the only role he can play. That said, there are two things of importance here:
    Why did the ANC not act against Zuma when it was clear that he was not fit to be president of RSA? Even Ramaphosa kept quiet and don’t forget “I will fix Eskom in 6 months Mantashe.

    We would love 5% of ANC supporters in KZN to vote for the MK party, 10% will be better.

  • Jennifer D says:

    Observing the ongoing stupidity, criminality and childish nonsense spouted by our leaders makes me ashamed to be part of this country. South Africa has become the laughing stock of the world – Zuma is an evil corrupt little man and beyond stupid – how is he supported by anyone?

  • Nic Bosveld says:

    Then why don’t you expel him? Kick him out Frikkie Mbalula.

  • Geoff Coles says:

    Anything less than expulsion from the ANC would be ridiculous.

  • Andre Reinecke says:

    These 2 sentences alone makes this article a joke:
    1. We want to tell our people that we are still the ANC of 1994, nothing has changed.
    2. “It is for the first time in the 111 years of the ANC’s existence that a former president and an outstanding leader of the movement announces publicly his decision to vote for another political party.

  • Julian Chandler says:

    Ask Hamas. They seem to be quite good at it.

  • Francois Smith says:

    I wonder if the ANC will still refer to him as President Zuma. How low can the ANCE sink that even Zuma does not want to vote for it as it has apparently become too dishonest.

  • Ben Smit says:

    It may be an elaborate ploy by the ANC and MK “political” party to subvert and control the election itself — the more parties the more marshals. Whatever the result of the election they will eventually merge.

  • Carsten Rasch says:

    Reeling from pillar to post. These guys simply don’t have a clue. Zuma heads that department of the clueless, but Ramaphosa is not far behind. Anyway, it’s good news.

  • Rae Earl says:

    The ANC is at war with itself. Zuma no doubt sees himself as an opposition commander to Ramaphosa in the party. Long may they remain in conflict and speed up the self instigated demolition of this awful crowd of little men who are mindless, directionless, and, above all, living in the outer realms of political stupidity. Love it!

  • Michael Thomlinson says:

    Did the old MK do anything of note other than plant bombs that indiscrimately killed both black and white civilians? I can’t ever remember them being a force to be reckoned with and I doubt Zuma’s new MK will be any better (I just hope they don’t go round planting bombs).

  • Roger Burns says:

    The ANC continues to fragment as it destroys itself from within.

  • Jaunine Conradie says:

    Zuma was too sick to stay in prison. He obviously feels better now.

  • Frank Fettig says:

    Circus left, right and centre…

  • Joe Soap says:

    The ANC is always talking about war. The only war we have is against the incompetent and corrupt ANC.

  • Hari Seldon says:

    “discipline” in the ANC means looking the other way while your comrades are looting and stealing taxpayer money and cheating citizens of education and job opportunities. Discipline is the ability to keep the neck turned and the eyes averted and sometimes to dip your own snout into the trough – for year after year. That is “discipline” for the ANC. Zuma was extremely disciplined until the trough was taken away.

  • colincub says:

    This man only thinks for himself and his family and bugger the rest of us.

  • Johan Buys says:

    If a few hundred right wing people in cammo uniforms started a new party called Kan Skiet Sal Skiet, what would our security apparatus do? Run? Convene a Committee?

  • Malibongwe Kufa says:

    Are we still lying to ourselves thinking MK is a stand alone party? Wake up people this is still ANC. I won’t be amazed after ya’ll voted they tell you they merging the parties and all it’s vote counts.

    • Johan Buys says:


      Inside the ANC there are factions, one of them the Zuptas. They know they don’t have the numbers inside the ANC to get the positions.

      If they pee into the pool from outside as a party and the ANC does a deal, part of the deal is securing those much loved positions from the cadre lists…

  • jacki watts says:

    Zuma’s stupidity is an embarrassment and only worthy of a comedy skit. Don’t waste valuable journalistic space on such a clown…. His “conscience” won’t allow him to support the ANC… It was the best laugh I had all week….

  • virginia crawford says:

    They swallowed everything Zuma did, starting with Arms Deal, then State Capture and the July violence, but disloyalty and criticism is what gets them riled up?

    • Middle aged Mike says:

      The arms deal was cooked up on Mandela’s watch and was signed off less than 2 months after the end of his term. Stealing is an immutable characteristic of the ANC and has been plain to see since they got their sticky fingers on the levers of power,

  • Grumpy Old Man says:

    Can we then assume that the KZN ANC will stop singing ‘Wenzeni Uzuma’ cos they now have the answer to that question?

  • Middle aged Mike says:

    “Before Zuma’s announcement, ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula said the ruling party intended to challenge the new party in court, saying the name belonged to the ANC. ”

    Bring on the popcorn. I hope Fikile the Feckless carries through with his threat.

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