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ANC NEC supports cutting ties with ‘dictatorial’ EFF and pro-Israel PA in municipal coalitions

ANC NEC supports cutting ties with ‘dictatorial’ EFF and pro-Israel PA in municipal coalitions
From left: EFF leader Julius Malema. (Photo: Gallo Images / Luba Lesolle) | ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa. (Photo: Leila Dougan) | Patriotic Alliance leader Gayton McKenzie. (Photo: Gallo Images / Netwerk24 / Lulama Zenzile)

The ANC National Executive Committee has ratified a decision which is likely to see the party cut ties with the EFF and Patriotic Alliance at the local government level.

At the ANC’s most recent National Executive Committee (NEC) sitting earlier in October, the party’s head of political education, David Makhura, set out in a document that the EFF was not an acceptable coalition partner because it was a “proto-fascist party run dictatorially”. 

The document, seen by Daily Maverick, states that the EFF has no regard for good governance and its antipathy towards ANC leaders is borne out of the self-interest of its leaders.

“[The EFF is] embedded in corrupt practices and links with criminal business syndicates such as the cigarette mafia, which it publicly defended. It supports the Constitution and the law when decisions favour it,” the document reads.

The ANC wants to review its partnership with the EFF as coalitions with the party have been damaging. The governing party believes that the red berets have used coalitions to contest their social base and further damage the ANC’s brand.

“Although research and by-elections show that the EFF is still growing, mainly in the traditional base of the ANC, its growth is levelling up below 20%. Accordingly, it has adopted a new strategy to gain power through coalitions with the ANC, so that it can demonstrate its ability to deliver,” the document reads.

Read more in Daily Maverick: Political parties divided as ANC, DA push alternative to proportional representation system

The party is also looking at cutting ties with the Patriotic Alliance (PA). The decision was also guided by the PA’s recent views on the Israel-Hamas conflict. 

PA leader Gayton McKenzie has been quoted saying that his party is willing to relinquish working with ANC in Joburg rather than change its stance on Israel to instead favour Palestine. The ANC has had a longstanding history with Palestine and has openly supported it.

The proposal to terminate all coalition arrangements with the EFF and the PA will be taken to the National Task Team on Coalitions and a report will be presented to the National Officials and the National Working Committee.

Where it all began

The ANC in Gauteng has been working closely with the EFF this year in an attempt to unseat the DA from power in municipalities.

This move was denounced by the ANC Veterans’ League, which deems the EFF as an unreliable partner.

The ANC-EFF marriage has succeeded in removing DA mayors in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg and Mogale City, while it failed to do the same in Tshwane.

This has seen the EFF for the first time assuming positions in mayoral committees.

The PA also works with the ANC in several municipalities and was the kingmaker in removing the DA in Johannesburg.

The PA and DA had an agreement in the City of Joburg, which collapsed when the PA worked with the ANC and EFF in council, allowing a motion of no confidence to be passed against then mayor Mpho Phalatse of the DA.

At the time, the PA had demanded two positions on the mayoral committee in Johannesburg and mayoral committee positions in the Ekurhuleni metro — to which the DA did not agree.

An ANC NEC member told Daily Maverick that while the party knew that there would be major consequences if it ditched the EFF and PA, “we are willing to be at the opposition benches”. DM


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  • Cornay Bester says:

    An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    Like son, like father.
    Birds of a feather flock together….
    It’s the season of political clichés.

  • Denise Smit says:

    Can we hope for the future of SA? Denise Smit

  • Jacci Babich says:

    Our so called “leaders” care more for personal point scoring than for the welfare of South Africa. Where else can you casually hire a hit man to bump off a cadre whose job you want? Greed and power seeking is the order of the day. It’s SOS time. The people who really care for our country must get moving.

  • Ayanda Nonkwelo says:

    Makhura’s claim that connection with the EFF is harming the so-called ANC brand is false. Your so-called brand has already suffered as a result of corruption and robbery of public resources. The ANC is well-known for its reliance on corruption and bribes. The EFF has made it impossible for them to pillage in Ekurhuleni; they are so upset that no tenders have been awarded to their friends. Watch this space for EFF to survive, it does not need the ANC. Our position is clear, we want to dislodge the ANC in all spheres of government. If it need be, the EFF will vote with a better devil as long as the ANC will be booted out of government. The days of the ANC are numbered!!

    • Middle aged Mike says:

      “The EFF has made it impossible for them to pillage in Ekurhuleni; they are so upset that no tenders have been awarded to their friends.”

      There is an absolute limit to the number of pigs and piglets that you can have at the same trough simultaneously. All that’s happened here is that the red pigs have displaced the yellow and green ones with a predictable outcome.

    • Nick Griffon says:

      Until the EFF deal with their criminal leaders who pillaged VBS bank, sorry – you have no credibility.

      • Ayanda Nonkwelo says:

        Until the EFF deal with their criminal leaders who pillaged VBS bank, sorry – you have no credibility”

        If any EFF members were discovered to have plundered the bank after being connected to VBS, they ought to be behind bars. Name one EFF member who has been imprisoned for stealing from VBS.

        • Peter Dexter says:

          None of the EFF leaders have been charged or convicted, but the evidence of VBS funds flowing into company bank accounts funding the lives of the EFF leaders are factual. The fact that none of those implicated in the Zondo Commission have been charged and convicted, does not mean the corruption did not happen. Shabir Shaik was convicted for bribing Zuma, which implies Zuma accepted the bribes, but Zuma has not been convicted…. yet. It merely means we have a corrupt state.

    • Ben Harper says:

      Hahahaha- from the looters and thieves themselves

    • Grumpy Old Man says:

      Our position is clear? Would that be your position today or your position in a week or two?

    • David Franklin says:

      iEFF yiSathana engcono uthetha ngaye, mfethu. Khetha ukwakha isizwe sethu, hayi ukusiphanga.

  • Rae Earl says:

    Mogale City was en route to becoming a model of capable democracy under the DA. Residents with account queries were accommodated, suburbs were being refurbished and maintenance programs were well underway to ensure all municipal facilities and infrastructure were returned to good working order. Then the ANC/EFF coalition forced the removal of the DA and since then, nothing. Everything is sliding backwards instead of forging ahead. The DA councilors are still working as hard as ever to prevent degradation. The ANC/EFF coalition sits and does nothing.

  • Middle aged Mike says:

    “[The EFF is] embedded in corrupt practices and links with criminal business syndicates such as the cigarette mafia, which it publicly defended. It supports the Constitution and the law when decisions favour it,”

    It’s hard to tell whether they are delusional enough to believe this twaddle or are just sophisticated enough to put out propaganda perfectly pitched at their credulous voter base.

  • Tumi Mothibedi says:

    What does that mean for 2024? Interesting times are these.

  • PETER BAKER says:

    It’s a sad day for South Africa when we realize that our future is in the hands of this can of worms!!! Please cry for me South Africa…

  • Hermann Funk says:

    “[The EFF is] embedded in corrupt practices and links with criminal business syndicates such as the cigarette mafia, which it publicly defended. It supports the Constitution and the law when decisions favour it,”
    A mirror image of the ANC.

  • Carl Metelerkamp says:

    a “proto-fascist party run dictatorially” . That’s a fairly true observation, wonder if they share that to their deputy president?

  • Cunningham Ngcukana says:

    The ANC NEC has to be very careful in pointing fingers at other parties in terms of criminality. The Zondo Commission has heard evidence of the ANC being funded by the proceeds of crime as the late Geoff Makhubo testified as well as Nkosi, the former PRASA CEO. The President of the ANC has actually correctly said that the ANC is accused No 1 when it comes to corruption. Some of us are very clear that
    any criminal charges that may arise from the Zondo Commission the ANC may have to be criminally charged as the recipient of proceeds of crime. It is rich for David Makhura who has a record of burning evidence in Gauteng from the Department of Health, Charllotte Maxeke and the Premier’s office. At the centre of the VBS scandal is the Zweli Mkhize as the TG of ANC who campaigned for hundreds of million of rands of municipality funds to be put into VBS. He has to answer for an IT tender corruption himself before he can point to the EFF as he is stinking of corruption.
    The ANC must find other reasons for cutting ties with the EFF because they are also dictators and the ANC MPs who are appointed know it very well including the ANC SG who has a lavatory mouth. To mislead the public as a corrupt person Makhura must know that it is not going to wash with us as he has a lot to answer for and we are asking ourselves a lot of questions why he is not in orange overalls. Smooth talk does not wash with us. He must look at the ANC NEC and tell us who is not corrupt.

  • John Smythe says:

    Just a bullshit strategy to keep the opposition confused. Which the MPC seems to be at the moment because it seems to be fast asleep.

  • Frank Fettig says:

    Look at this! The vultures don’t want to party with the hyenas because they’re dirty! Well, I guess better for Southern Africa:
    One Zanu-PF is really enough!
    Sounds horrible – ANC/EFF, doesn’t it?

  • Johan Buys says:

    You know you have bad rep when even the ANC distances itself from you.

    • Ayanda Nonkwelo says:

      Watch the space. The ANC knows that working with EFF is not a passport to looting. So they distance themselves from EFF fearing being made to account.

  • Glyn Morgan says:

    The DA had the right approach to the EFF and PA, do not work with them, you will get stung! The ANC worked with the EFF and PA, and GOT STUNG! Ha! Ha!

  • Beyond Fedup says:

    Who in their right mind would ever vote for these two vile, immoral and corrupt parties. The EFFthieves are nothing but a anc mini-me. They are cut from the same cloth. SA, for its survival and wellbeing, needs to move on from these criminal and treasonous parasites, who are sucking the life and blood of this country.

  • Leslie van Minnen says:

    ANC at its best. I wonder just who are the biggest thieves and gangsters. Certainly not the EFF and the PA. The ANC are why ahead in this race and have been for 30 years.
    The ANC has been the brain child of corruption in SA and they point fingers at others.

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