South Africa


ANC to hand over a list of Zondo inquiry-implicated members to party’s integrity commission

ANC to hand over a list of Zondo inquiry-implicated members to party’s integrity commission
From left: Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe. (Photo: Gallo Images / Jeffrey Abrahams) | Former minister Sfiso Buthelezi. (Photo: Gallo Images / Beeld / Felix Dlangamandla) | Former ANC MP Vincent Smith. (Photo: Gallo Images / Netwerk24 / Jaco Marais) | Former ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule. (Photo: Gallo Images / Volksblad / Mlungisi Louw)

As Cyril Ramaphosa announces steps to implement the State Capture inquiry’s recommendations, the ANC says it has distanced itself from those in its ranks ‘who have been involved in corruption or who are complicit in State Capture’. But what this means in practice remains to be seen.

The ANC says a list of “persons implicated” in the Zondo Commission’s report has been provided to the ANC Integrity Commission. The party confirmed this on Sunday, 23 October, in a statement released after a special sitting of its National Executive Committee (NEC). 

The recommendations of the inquiry was one of the topics discussed at the special sitting on 20 October. Other topics included the Electoral Amendment Bill and preparations for the ANC’s 55th national conference, which is scheduled for December. 

Over the course of the release of the six State Capture inquiry’s reports, several ANC officials were implicated, including former MP Vincent Smith, now suspended ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule, current ANC national chair and Minerals and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe as well as Sfiso Buthelezi, the former board chair of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, who is now an MP. Former party and state president Jacob Zuma was also heavily implicated in the reports. 

For a full list of all those implicated and recommended for prosecution read more in Daily Maverick

Duduzane, Hlaudi, Fraser and Ace head the all-star possible prosecution list

The people and businesses the State Capture Commission recommends for prosecution by the NPA 

The List: The people and businesses the State Capture Commission recommends for prosecution by the NPA

The List, Part Two: The people and businesses the State Capture Commission recommends for prosecution by the NPA

The people and businesses the State Capture commission recommends for prosecution

“A list of persons implicated in the commission’s report has been provided to the ANC integrity commission,” the ANC said in its statement on Sunday. 

In relation to the implicated ANC members, the party said it would be guided by its 54th National Conference resolutions, which “demand that every cadre accused of, or reported to be involved in, corrupt practices accounts to the integrity commission immediately or faces DC [disciplinary committee] processes”.

The party said this would apply to all ANC cadres, “including current leaders, former leaders, and ANC cadres not in leadership positions”. 

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An NEC task team on the State Capture commission’s report also reported to the special sitting, providing a report that set out a “comprehensive response” to the inquiry’s recommendations. It included submissions from various NEC subcommittees, including constitution and legal affairs, economic transformation, as well as the ANC caucus in Parliament.

The ANC said the “NEC welcomed and supported the recommendations aimed at strengthening the fight against corruption and state capture. At the same time, the NEC was of the view that other recommendations, more especially those relating to the functioning of Parliament and electoral matters, were at variance with established Constitutional provisions and principles, and fell outside the commission’s remit.” 

The NEC noted that the President would table his response and implementation plan in respect of the commission’s report soon. “The vast majority of ANC leaders, cadres, and members are vehemently opposed to corruption in all its manifestations,” the ANC said.

Political analyst Ebrahim Fakir, however, described the ANC as “unrehabilitatable”. He told Daily Maverick there was nothing the ANC could do as “they simply have contradictory positions on the findings of the Zondo report and recommendations”. 

He further pointed out that those “contradictory positions require either compromises on the resolutions of the ANC, such as the scrapping of the step-aside rule, or the further erosion in capacity in the criminal justice system, which will decimate the state and state functionality even further”. 

The Presidency confirmed that a response to the State Capture inquiry’s recommendations would be submitted to Parliament on Sunday. 

President Cyril Ramaphosa briefed the nation on Sunday evening, outlining the steps the government would be taking to implement the recommendations of the State Capture inquiry. 

The ANC distances itself from those within its ranks who have been involved in corruption or who are complicit in state capture,” the party said in its statement. How much distance, or what “distances” means in ANC-speak, remains to be seen. DM


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  • Dennis Bailey says:

    It means absolutely F-All. Even its own commission has no integrity.

  • Nick Griffon says:

    The ANC integrity commission is useless. It is just a tool for the ANC criminals to play for time and to whitewash and sweep allegations under the carpet. Nothing will come from this.

  • Gordon Bentley says:

    At last there is a indication that the ANC Government is prepared to use some sort cotrolled, centralised, transparent Tender System for Public tnders. This Tender board should be in charge of ALL tenders ALL the time and should make absolutely sure that ALL tenders are seen to be fair and honest. And that All tender documents are available for public scrutiny at a certain date and time.
    There must be no chance of inflating tender prices to suit the Criminal Tender Entrepeneurs. There should also be a Tender body that that sees to the ligitamacy of the performance of contractors executing the tendered work.
    What Spoil Sports, This would be for the Criminals?…
    Tender Fraud is the most popular form of stealing and has cost SA Billions over the years.
    This must stop.

  • Colleen Dardagan says:

    Giving the names to the ANC’s Integrity Commission is in itself a contradiction in terms.

  • Chris 123 says:

    If the integrity committee did its job properly there would be no ANC in government.

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